
Interface Summary
ExporterAcceptor<AE extends AutoDiscoveredServiceExporter,SP extends ServicePublisher> Interface defines policy used to select service exporters to publish (this is needed to publish autodiscovering services)

Class Summary
AbstractServicePublisher<EC extends AutoDiscoveredServiceExporter> Abstract base implementation of service publisher.
DefaultExporterAcceptor<AE extends AutoDiscoveredServiceExporter,SP extends ServicePublisher> Simple policy that accepts all exporters which has allowsAutoDiscovering property set to true.
DefaultServicePublisher<EC extends AutoDiscoveredServiceExporter> Default implementation of ServicePublisher which allows to specify class of exporter and name of protocol via appropriate properties.
GenericServicePublisher<EC extends AutoDiscoveredServiceExporter> Generic implementation of ServicePublisher which uses ProvidingRegistry as distributed storage of services locations.
GroupBasedExporterAcceptor<AE extends AutoDiscoveredServiceExporter,SP extends ServicePublisher> Policy that accepts all exporters which has allowsAutoDiscovering property set to true and group equals to publisher' group.
ServiceInfo Utility class used by service publisher to collect information about exported service.