
Class Summary
AbstractDiscoveringEndpointProvider<E extends Endpoint<SI>,SI extends ServiceMoniker> Base abstract class for implementation of EndpointProvider that automatically discovers services based on service name and service group.
AbstractUrlListEndpointProvider<E extends Endpoint<SI>,SI extends ServiceMoniker> Base abstract class to implement endpoint providers which provide endpoints based on list of endpoints available for service and which maintains internal cache of discovered endpoints.
BaseEndpointProvider<E extends Endpoint<SI>,SI extends ServiceMoniker> Base abstract class to implement endpoint providers.
DiscoveringEndpointProvider<E extends Endpoint<SI>,SI extends ServiceMoniker> Implementation of EndpointProvider that automatically discovers services based on service name and service group.
DiscoveringEndpointProviderEx<E extends Endpoint<SI>,SI extends ServiceMoniker> Implementation of EndpointProvider that automatically discovers services based on service name and service group.
MultiURLEndpointProvider<E extends Endpoint<SI>,SI extends ServiceMoniker> Base abstract class to implement endpoint providers that hangle situation with several endpoints available for the same service.
SingleUrlEndpointProvider<E extends Endpoint<SI>,SI extends ServiceMoniker> Implementation of EndpointProvider that utilises single and explicitely specified "url" of the service to create service endpoint.
UrlListEndpointProvider<E extends Endpoint<SI>,SI extends ServiceMoniker> Implementation of EndpointProvider which uses the list of explicitely specified "url" of the service to create service endpoint.